Saturday, March 17, 2007

Better Out than In...

That was the comment my doctor made when he was examining a lump the size of a $1 coin on my back.

What better way to spend my day off this week than in my doctor's surgery room. My doctor got more than he bargained for - not one lump BUT two removed from near my right shoulder blade - apparently they grow in families? The happy little family is now being tested at pathology.

Don't stress - it should be all okay, apparently benign growths of soft tissue are quite normal?!? They grow slow, don't turn cancerous, grow on anyone at any age and the cause is really unknown.... When I asked my doctor why I might have one, my doctor said "hmm... just cause".

Local anesthetic was all that was needed - weird sensation you can't feel pain, just tugging!

Now I just got to be careful I don't rip out my stitches, amazing how much you use your back muscles... like all the time.

Sleeping is uncomfortable and how on earth are you supposed to wash your hair while keeping your back dry and not stretching your arm (back muscles)...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm...sounds like you'll need to get your hair washed at the hairdressers or something :P