Monday, June 09, 2008

Yet another RSS feed?...

So I subscribe to a number of blogs... Some posts I read, am built up, rebuked, stretched, infored or amused, some I pick up some tricks, some I skim over and some posts I just ignore (sorry to be blunt).

But the latest RSS feed I am subscribing to in my program NetNewsWire is and it is one you cannot skim or ignore.

It contains the latest news and prayer requests for the Persecuted Church. Thanks to the organisation Voice of the Matyrs.

I was blown away by finding this update online as I was preparing for prayers at church. I was really rebuked by the apathy of myself and fellow believers here in Sydney and our prayer-less-ness.

PRAY and “remember those in prison as if you were their fellow-prisoners, and those who are ill-treated as if you yourselves were suffering” (Hebrews 13:3 )

Father God,

We pray for the many people who are imprisoned and tortured around the world because of their faith and trust in our great Saviour Jesus Christ.

Enable them not to compromise or loose heart when authorities forbid them to worship you. Strengthen each believer with all power, according to your glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy. Comfort them as they are rejected, ridiculed, and threatened by other religions and even their own families.

Thank you for organizations like Voice of the Martyrs and for their commitment to helping today's persecuted Christians. Lord God, may you grant VOM the grace needed to continue in the work they do amongst families, prisoners, the underground church and in the work of translation printing, and distribution of Bibles and Christian books. Help them to use resources wisely and fairly, as they seek to encourage, support and equip persecuted believers.

Father help us here in Sydney, to remember those in prison and suffering for your name. Thank you for their example and empower us to pray for those of whom we have not met. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ and it grieves us to hear of the ways they suffer and it rebukes us to hear of their faithfulness to you in the face of such trials.

Father forgive us for our laziness, our self-centeredness and preoccupation with security. That as we live in our relative ease, safety and freedom help us not to take what we have for granted. We are sorry Father that instead of using all that you have graced us with for Jesus, we use it instead to promote ourselves. Instead of living boldly amongst our friends and family, we seek to please them and ourselves rather than you.

Father we pray all these things so that the glory of your Son Jesus may shine brighter.

May the world know that it is to Him we belong.

In Christs name we pray...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link.

i haven't read VOM since i left CCEC... i'd forgotten about it until last night - i thought it would be good to mention in a talk this friday night.

so good timing with the link to it.