Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hey friends,

I thought I would set up a blog site to give you an insight into my weeks and keep you in the loop of things to be praying for.

I can't believe 2006 has already hit the end of May... Well I am loving MTS at St Matthias. It has been an absolute blessing to have been given this opportunity to serve our Lord here. I have finally got used to the Bible translation change ... The folk on this side of the bridge use the Eastern Suburbs Version (ESV - English Standard Version) which has taken some getting used to.

Being such a visual person I remember the format of my little NIV that I have scribbled all over and don't remember the book or chapter reference only the colour it is highlighted in and that it's on the top right-hand corner of the left page... so when I look at my new little ESV I can feel as though I know nothing...

Other than that I have been learning heaps and not just about God but about myself - which is often scary!

I love all the ministries I am invovled in... they provide much joy but also present their challenges.

My average week looks a little like this:

Monday: Staff Meeting (1pm - 4pm)
Tuesday: TAT (Tuesdays @ Ten) Women's Bible Study, Hour of Power with Caro (my trainer) & Evening Church Prayer and Bible Group
Wednesday: Evening Church Staff Meeting, Scripture @ Paddo and Drama Classes
Thursday: My Day Off
Friday: MTS Training, ISCF @ Randwick Girls, and PULSE - Youth Group
Saturday: variable... coffee, preparation, camps, conferences, training, events, etc...
Sunday: Morning Church, 11:51 - youth group and Evening Church

plus I meet up with a variety of Evening Church women to read the bible, pray and encourage.
A highlight for me last week was meeting up with one of these women for a session of Horse-riding in Centennial Park - tough day at the office!!! :p

I shall keep posting new things up regularly that you can be praying about.

I really do value your support and am so thankful for the opportunity I have to be doing this.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good on ya sis!