Our youth group went away to KYCK 07 - Katoomba convention for Highschoolers...
I really enjoyed myself and hopefully so did my year 12 girls.
I had command of Warwick's tarago, with Chloe, Ellen, Emily & Emily as my passengers!
Great talks, great people, great food (thanks Verity P & team), great fun, great MUSIC....
Great talks by Steven Jefferies & Eugene Hor- theme: "FOLLOW" from Luke's Gospel. I personally loved the prodigal son talk on the Saturday night - it chokes me up every time I hear it taught as I feel like it is the story of my conversion and highlights the glorious mercy and generosity of my Father in heaven, that he would welcome me a sinner. Praise God for the cross of Christ!
I was also really built up by the repeated phrase by Steven : that we are to display the supreme value of Christ in our lives! AMEN to that!
Only feedback I have about the talks that is negative was the fact that both speakers used very boy focused illustrations. Not one of the illustrations about people of the faith were women, so no role models for all the girls there as such. And most of the other images given were blood and gusty, car, national park, computer games etc... thought that these creative things could have been a little more creative in targeting the different age groups and genders.
We had good times at THE GRANGE... where our junior youth: Jam Camp were staying as well. We had compulsory fun on Saturday arvo which included a few active games and then a trip to the cafe in Blackheath!
One of the highlights ;) for me was driving Warwick's tarago.... now tarago's scare me as they give a sense of soccer/ballet-mum-ness, which the girls in my car were more than happy to tease me about! On the way up though we had a plank of wood fly into the windscreen from the ute in front... no major damage - just shock from the noise and the e-tag falling off from the impact.
ALL UP A FUN-FILLED WEEKEND - only took me all week to recover!!
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