Just spent a week away up in Port Macqaurie... the weather was great - so much sun and not humid! woo hoo!
I went with my parents to support and cheer on my brothers, Todd & Toby and friends Paul & Mike in the Ironman (this one was 3.8km Swim, 190km bike and 42km run).
They did really well... Todd came in at 10 hours and Toby in at 13 hours. Can you believe it continuous exercise for that long? These boys are freaks! The winner did it in 8hrs... crazy!It was a great time away camping and spending it with family. I really enjoyed hanging out with Liz - Toby's wife. We get along really well and this weekend was great to spend with her and on the side lines cheering the boys on together.
It also is very exciting as she is about 7months pregnant. So in June I will be AUNTY Hayley. The baby is called 'Aniko' for now... and if Toby got his way that is what she will be called but I think Liz has other ideas. Pray for continued health for Liz and Aniko!!!
other highlights:
- I got to spend time reading and relaxing on the beach every day... A+++
- Discovering some new cheers instead of "Go Toby" I included some of these I heard from other spectators "Looking Good", "Keep Smiling", "Can I have your autograph"
- Did some shopping... Bought some jeans, tops/jumpers and a orange teapot A+++
- Got to try out my new tent I bough off eBay... A+++
- Drank Campos coffee from cafe next to caravan park... A+++
- Free wireless internet at the caravan park, sit in tent and waste time surfing net... A+++
- Got stuck into really good bible reading and prayer pattern, that is lasting so far into reality (only been two days back but still...) pray this continues.
Praise God that my brothers were kept safe from injury in the race.
Praise God for holidays and family!!!
_______________PSALM 147_______________
10 His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his delight in the legs of a man;
11 the LORD delights in those who fear him,
who put their hope in his unfailing love.
sounds fun!
Praise God you had a relaxing holiday!
How's the bible reading & prayer pattern going now you're back into everything??
thanks for checking up on me... I am plowing through Acts and it is brilliant!
great to hear :)
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