While I was away at Bonny Hills, between Boxing day and New Year with my family, I did some reading of Michael W Goheen’s article - (Re)New(ed) Creation: The End of the Story.
The quote below somewhat annoys me as its used to illustrate The Importance of the Future Hope and so the importance of accepting the RENEWED RESTORE CREATION view…
…if one believes that the earth will be destroyed and we will live in a spiritual heaven forever, there likely will be little interest in caring for the environment; evangelism is the only activity with lasting significance. However, if one believes that God will restore this earth then care for his creation will be part of our mission alongside evangelism. Our view of the future matters because it shapes our lives today…
The RESTORE view also worries me that if we seek to place environmental care as a top priority or interest alongside evangelism…
>>> Does it not in some way limit God’s ability to restore anyway???
>>> Does God need us to help with restoration by starting now???
>>> What will our work at maintaining earth do for God anyway???
>>> Isn’t the fact that God created us stewards of his creation motivation to care for the environment???
>>> If he is going to restore could He not restore this creation even if this earth underwent mass destruction - say a worldwide nuclear disaster???
Hmmmm… Well Satan definitely has no reign over it anymore???
>>> Why does destruction mean no victory?
>>> Does Satan have the power or authority to destroy like this???
>>> Why does destruction rule out the ability for God to create a NEW heaven and earth???
>>> Won’t God’s perfect reign in the NEWness where God’s people can live with him and not be tainted or tempted by sin and evil demonstrate a GREAT victory???
>>> Has victory not already been won???
Being the Biblical Languages scholar that I am not this requires further investigation for me… neos means new in time or origin whereas kainos means new in nature or in quality. And so Goheen concludes that a new heaven and a new earth means a world that is renewed not brand-new.
To annihilate or purify - that is the question? 2 Peter 3:10-12 AND Revelation 21 are addressed – judgment burnt destruction or refiners fire… Goheen reckons the language can mean both things.
Goheen says “the non-human creation shares in this liberation [life in all its aspects is purified] of God’s people.” I am not too sure how non-human liberation will work.
>>> What non-human creation gets into the new? What is alive at the interruption???
>>> Will dinosaurs be in heaven?
>>> Will I see my dog Taffy again - in the new earth, if he will experience liberation of all aspects of his life???
Hmmm… I feel I have answered no questions just gone around in circles, and my brain hurts so I will put this blog to rest for the moment but will be sure to continue thinking this all through.
i've been reading "the fire that consumes", by edward fudge(!), looking at the biblical case for conditional immortality. according to the book's referee this is a good start for thinking thru the new v restored question.
i always thought the current would be exponged.
the word on the streets however is that the last century of reformed scholarship (ie the infamous "they") reckon restoration (or recapitulation, to use irenaeus' term) is what the bible is on about, purification being the order of the (last) day.
so i'm still trying to work this out. will let you know if i do!
Yeah... thanks psychodougie.
I think that I too have never given this tension much thought before Greg raised it in his talk.
Restore, renew, reconcile argument does make lots of sense...
but I find it hard to accept as I guess I have misconceived ideas of what restoration can look like and probably have been brainwashed by the consumerist world we live in to believe that NEW, BRAND NEW is best!!!
Yeah I have read a few of 'them'... One of my fav. websites is Monergism.com lots of reformed resources.
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