Monday, July 03, 2006

MTS/ AIM Preaching Conference

The Preaching Conference last week was great... I learnt heaps and was really taken aback by the clarity and faithfulness of the teaching from Murray Capill and David Jones - they have such passion to proclaim the glory of God.

David Jones did a masterful job on preaching from two Psalms and spoke with so much vigour - making it so clear what the Psalm was all about and how clear it pointed forward to Christ. Really helpful in thinking how I prepare bible studies.

We looked also at the preaching of Martyn Lloyd Jones and how remarkable he was in keeping his congregation with him on a 13 year journey through the book of Romans. Now that is a paced sermon series!!

Murray spoke about Preaching to the Heart - Backwards, Upwards and Inwards to move the people we pastor forward in their faith and walk with Christ. So take them back to the word of God and the cross of Christ, take them up to the glory of God and take them in to their own sinful heart. He gave really helpful pointers on how to address all types of Christians in preaching and ensuring non-Christians also are catered for.

And Richard Gibson took as through a part of Acts in the afternoons - where I was particular challenged by the pain of ministry that he spoke about - from the pain when a person you have been meeting with completley rejects the gospel to the pain of saying goodbye to a faithful partner of the gospel for the sake of the kingdom.

I also went to a seminar for women by Claire Smith and a seminar on John by Bill Sallier - both were good - helpful again and encourgaing.

By the end of the two day conference my brain was sore from taking in so much in and not just intellectually but also working out how to apply lots that I learnt to my ministry and also to my own life and godliness.

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